If the children of the children [dolls] live in their own sustainable, beautiful house with light and space, this has an impact on the well-being and resilience of their young parents.
The Doll Villa has its origins in the experiences, the observations from my youth.
These ingredients come together in the design of the DollsVilla. She is an answer. She is joy. She is a domain, a safe haven for children. Where there is or can be what they desire. I built the villa for my daughter and son, and then wanted to pass it on to all the children. After a working life in journalism and the disclosure of information sources, I decided to start my own company in 1999, exclusively with the DollsVilla by Liliane, the first sustainable and exclusive home for 30 centimeter dolls and their cars.
By designing the DollsVilla, we have succeeded in giving shape to an intention in 3D. This intention existed in a distant form from mid-1960. Would I later be able to come up with something so that the wordless language of children better reaches their parents and supervisors in education, childcare, emergency care and healthcare?
The DollsVilla by Liliane now provides meaning for thousands of children every day, in Europe, US, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand and Canada. In my own way, I gratefully contribute to the quality of the basis of people's lives. A foundation on which they will build their entire lives. The beginning is at the start. With the children's children.
To house their most important emotions.
Liliane Limpens | designer